Chapter 249 Won't Make the Same Mistake

Not to mention if Ainsley had something to do with Serina's illness, it had been a long time since Ainsley had treated Serina. But Serina was still sick.

Serina's illness had flared up many times. Although no one knew the reason, everyone felt the people who were being treated would not fall ill, especially after the illness attacked so many times. Now everyone saw what it was like when Serina was sick.

Serina screamed in horror. She seemed to see the most terrible thing in the world. Her scared look startled the experienced reporters.

Mary tried to appease Serina, but no matter what she said, it was useless.

Manuel, who was in the middle of a meeting, was unaware of this.

Ignoring the other directors in the meeting, his assistant anxiously knocked on the door and walked in. Under Manuel's displeased gaze, the assistant leaned over to his ear and said, "Something happened to Serina."