The next second, Ainsley moved her hand away as if she had touched a hot potato. "Are you that badass?"
"Badass?" Manuel frowned slightly and realized that she might be talking about him.
He sighed and said lovingly, "Yes, I'm a badass. The badass is here to pick you up."
"No, I have no home," she muttered.
Manuel's eyes focused and he said gently, "Aisy, you have a home."
"Badass, leave me alone. You can take care of your Ms. Wade," Ainsley murmured.
She didn't know what she was saying. She narrowed her eyes and said slowly.
Manuel knew that she was drunk and quickly helped her up. "I'll take you home."
He pulled Ainsley out of the bar, but when he wanted to put Ainsley into the back seat, he was refused.
She didn't want to get in the car. Then, she slumped to the ground and looked at Manuel with tears in her eyes.