"I can finally stay with you. I will only be at ease when I am with you," Serina said. She sat in the car back to Ainsley's home. The Gage family sent someone to drive them off. Serina and Ainsley sat in the back row. Serina pinched the corner of Ainsley's clothes, afraid that she would leave.
Ainsley surely noticed that Serina was timid. She knew that Serina relied on her very much. Now that it had reached this point, Ainsley felt uncomfortable.
In the Gage's house.
Koen could no longer bear standing outside and entered the room, leaving only Manuel and Irene outside the door.
They did not speak for a long time. Irene's eyes were fixed on Manuel, and Manuel was looking in the direction where Ainsley had left.
"She has been gone for a long time. Are you still unwilling to look at me?" Irene said with a trembling voice.
Manuel came back to his senses and said with a straight face, "I'm just worried about Serina."