Ainsley's eyes became cold. Looking at the woman who stood on the rooftop with her eyes full of hatred, Ainsley seemed to be able to see a sly smirk in her eyes, a smile of a villain who achieved success.
All kinds of sighs gradually sounded around. They came from the school teachers and other students.
"I didn't expect that. Mr. Myers was usually very honest. Why did he hook up with Ainsley?"
"I didn't expect that such a beautiful person like Ainsley would like someone like Elmer. But, Ainsley has hooked up with so many people. This is not strange."
"Is that so? But I feel Ms. Easton is usually very nice."
"What do you know? You can't judge one's character from his or her appearance. One may look gentle and virtuous on the surface. But you never know how disgusting she might be in private."