Ainsley looked at Matteo and felt that something might be wrong.
"Matteo, what's wrong?" asked Ainsley.
"Well, nothing." He looked a little anxious.
Ainsley coughed lightly. "What are you concealing from me? Is it about Manuel?"
Matteo avoided any eye contact with Ainsley, immediately stood up, and went away.
"Matteo! Tell me what exactly happened?" Ainsley asked. She thought that something must have happened during the night when she fell unconscious.
"Aisy, please have a good rest and take the soup. Don't think about anything else," comforted Matteo.
He did not want Ainsley to know what had happened, but Ainsley stretched out her hand in front of him and ordered, "Matteo, give me the remote control."
Matteo quickly put the remote control behind him.
Ainsley immediately rushed over. Matteo was afraid of hurting her, so he did not overreact. In the end, Ainsley took away the remote control.