Ainsley cautiously closed the window and even locked it. Her gazes were serious. This heavy rain would come soon.
The rain finally fell, and the yellow light bulb in the room seemed to bring her a bit of warmth and safety.
Pitter patter, pitter patter! The rain hit the roof, hitting the tiles heavily. The surroundings were silent, and only the raindrops were constantly beating.
Although Ainsley's house was shabby, it was still a brick house. In Ocala, there were some houses that were built with clay.
The clay houses would probably be washed off after a rain.
The lightning flashed and the thunder roared. The raindrops from roofs had gathered and kept failing.
The flashing lightning illuminated the whole world, and the rain was even heavier.
A loud clap of thunder caused Ainsley's heart to skip a beat. She suddenly widened her eyes. Even though she had been prepared, it still caused her to feel fear.