The next day, after a night of rain, the entire courtyard was washed by the rain. The waterline reached the calves.
Ainsley slept the whole night. When she woke up, her head was dizzy and painful. Her eyes were swollen like two light bulbs.
"It hurts so much..." Ainsley touched her eyes.
She rubbed her aching head and suddenly remembered what had happened yesterday.
She remembered the roof that should have been repaired by Chad was still leaking. Chad had done it on purpose, but when she was in a trance, she felt someone appear and carry her away.
Where is this?
She didn't even know where she was. It was a bright room, and it looked neat. It didn't look like a room in the village.
While she was wondering, the door of the room was opened, and Manuel came in with a plate.
She suddenly remembered Manuel was the one who carried her away last night because she smelled the faint cedar.