Chapter 333 Whom Do You Work For?

Before Ainsley could open her mouth, Robert spoke again, "Moreover, the person in charge of the entire Easton Group is Matteo. He is not the biological son of Mr. Easton. I am also very curious. As the daughter of Mr. Easton, why are you not willing to support the entire Easton Group and instead entrusted the Easton Group to Matteo? I won't believe it if you tell me that Matteo is loyal to our company and will never be selfish!"

"So, you did it because you wanted to get rid of Matteo's control. Right?" Ainsley put on a poker face.

Robert thought that Ainsley believed his words and became even more indignant. He added, "Of course! Ms. Easton, if you take out the Easton Group from Matteo now, I will no doubt cooperate with you."

Ainsley sneered, "Mr. Blake, I feel ashamed of you when you said that. I know very well why you want to get rid of the headquarters, including the ghost stories you made in the factory. You did it, didn't you?"