Chapter 354 Trap

There seemed to be nothing wrong with the little girl's words. But if Ainsley were more careful, she would find a big loophole in the little girl's words. Suddenly, Ainsley felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to stop.

The little girl immediately became flustered and didn't dare to look at Ainsley. She gripped the corner of Ainsley's clothes tightly and asked Ainsley carefully, "Are you not going to send me home?"

Seeing the little girl's clear eyes, Ainsley indeed became a little hesitant.

Ainsley suddenly asked the little girl, "Where exactly is your home in the mountain?"

The little girl looked away and lowered her head. After thinking for a long time, she looked up with tears in her eyes. She said to Ainsley, "We will be there soon. Look over there. There is a place with smoke, and my home is there."