Robyn kept talking, but she did not receive any response from Ainsley. She instead heard Ainsley laugh. "What are you laughing at?"
Ainsley's face was cold as she said, "This is between the younger generation. You shouldn't intervene. Don't you think so? Besides, I am the largest shareholder of the Easton Group. I have the right to dismiss the factory director."
Fortunately, Robyn had turned hostile, so Ainsley dared to say that regardless of this title.
Robyn had a warm smile on her face. She continued expressionlessly, "Are you using your identity to threaten me?"
"You must be joking. How would I dare?" Ainsley did not want to talk to Robyn anymore, so she went back to her room with the cup.
One day passed.
Kaliyah stayed alone in the empty villa, her pretty face filled with irritation and uneasiness.
Cason had not been back for nearly a month. He always said that he was busy.