Chapter 376 Enough

Ainsley could not say anything. After all, whether it was the truth or the evidence, she had never seen it.

But when Manuel saw Serina's sad look, she put her hand on Serina's shoulder and said gently, "Although I don't know what happened and what you just said, you should believe in Manuel. When he was in Ocala, his reaction after knowing the truth was not much better than yours. His eyes were full of shock."

Ainsley paused and continued to say, "You already know the truth. You all know what you should do. Compared to being cheated, isn't it better to be clear about it?"

At the very least, they wouldn't make any random guesses, nor would they fail to sleep all day and night.

Serina nodded with a serious expression. She asked in confusion, "Ainsley, Manuel didn't tell you about that?"

Ainsley smiled and shook her head. "If he wants me to know, he will take the initiative to tell me."