"Answer me, which side do you want it to be?" Ainsley's tone was unnegotiable.
The woman finally spoke, "It is the head."
Before Ainsley could move, the woman hurriedly said, "No, it is the tail."
Her hesitation made Ainsley see herself in the past. It was the most difficult to decide between the rational and the emotional. At that time, Ainsley had considered several days and made up her mind.
Ainsley opened her hand. The woman's eyes widened. But soon, she found that there was nothing in Ainsley's hand.
There was no coin in Ainsley's hand.
Seeing her confused expression, Ainsley smiled, "The moment I opened my palm, you already had an answer in your heart. I have no way to tell you the solution, and I can't decide for you. But you have to know that you only have one life, but love is not only once. Since you are troubled by this kind of thing, it means that your principles and heart have already decided for you."