Chapter 381 Going Downhill

In line at the front desk, Ainsley looked at the seven or eight people holding the same coupons in their hands. They may be traveling in a group.

She listened to the chattering of those people, which was mixed with cursing words.

"It's so luxurious. I didn't expect that our company would be willing to invite us to travel to such a luxurious place. I have never lived in such a good hotel in my life."

"Neither do I, but don't really think that you are here for a vacation. You have a mission here."

"Alright. I remember that."

Ainsley was sensitive. These people talked so loudly as if they weren't afraid that others would hear them.

After more than ten minutes, when the people in front of her finally finished the check-in, Ainsley took the VIP invitation letter and went through the membership formalities. Lying on the king-sized bed, she could see the beach and the sea in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the bedroom.