Chapter 398 Manuel's Nightmare

But if Ainsley wanted to persevere, Manuel was willing to go with her.

"You seem to be different from before," Ainsley said thoughtfully.

"What is different?" Manuel put out the cigarette.

"Whenever you mentioned the lost memories before, you always avoided them or played dumb. This time, you are going with me. Since you don't resist me going to find the memories, why don't you tell me directly?" Ainsley's eyes were full of inquiry.

Manuel was stunned for a few seconds. He did not dare to look straight into Ainsley's eyes. He was willing to go with her, because even if she went there, she couldn't find anything.

Manuel had already sent people to check the records of the University of Washington.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and Manuel's nose was a little red.

However, she could not help but look into Manuel's eyes.

"You should go back quickly." She hurriedly lowered her head.