Chapter 400 Her Again

Dana looked at Ainsley. Dana's face was pale, and her lips were trembling slightly. She asked, "What the heck do you want?"

"The truth. I only want the truth. Tell me everything." Ainsley glanced at the corner again.

Dana swallowed and asked, "What will happen if I tell you?"

"You will get some money, and I will delete the recording. I just want to know who is behind this."

"How much?" Dana swallowed again.

"160 thousand dollars."

The once-cut-off live broadcast was reconnected, and Manuel stopped what he was doing. On the screen, Dana put down the bag in her hand and sat calmly on the sofa. She said slowly, "A week ago, Iliana and I were still the most ordinary employees in the company. Then a woman showed up with cards from PineMist Island Resort Hotel, telling Iliana, me, and some other employees that we could go there for a few days for free. We wouldn't have to pay for anything. Who would say no to that?"