Chapter 435 First Come, First Served

Serina quickened her pace and ran to Ainsley. She glared at the smiling Daniel and hugged Ainsley's arm. "Ms. Easton, do you think I'm that bad?"

Ainsley gently tapped the tip of Serina's nose and said in amusement, "Don't deliberately misinterpret it. I didn't say that."

Serina turned back to look at Daniel, who had been staring at Ainsley. She quickly grabbed Ainsley's hand and quickened her pace. "Ms. Easton, let's walk faster. I'm hungry."

Ainsley seemed to have seen through what Serina was thinking. Ainsley did not stop her and said, "Really? Then we have to hurry up."

Daniel was amused by their clumsy acting and followed up, like a shadow.

Serina only felt that Daniel was really difficult to deal with. She turned back and shouted, "Hey, can you walk faster or slower? Don't keep following us."

"Serina, do you own this road?" Daniel grinned.