Chapter 446 An Invisible War on Christmas

"No, that's popularity," Ainsley said solemnly.

Matteo seemed to understand at once and laughed a few times. "I see."

"This is the forefront of showbiz. PineMist Island Resort Hotel will hold a grand Christmas party. Many celebrities will be invited. Besides, there will be fireworks and fan meetings. The entrance ticket is to reach a certain level of consumption on PineMist Island. Please check the notice sent by the Easton Group for more information..."

This news was a hit. Seattle was crazy. Various comments were left on the Easton Group's official account. The notice listed those invited stars.

Moreover, everything was free at the party, including food and alcohol. Those fans couldn't wait to sum up their consumption for fan meetings.

Half an hour after the announcement was issued, the phone at the hotel couldn't stop ringing. Most called to book rooms.