Later on, Ainsley went to see Kaitlin once.
More than a month ago...
Ainsley had just returned from Ocala and went to the mental hospital to visit Kaitlin. When the two met, the atmosphere between them was not as awkward as they had imagined.
Ainsley asked Kaitlin, "Kaitlin, you've been here for a long time. Don't you want to get out of here?"
"Ainsley, are you here to laugh at me? Or are you here to remind me that even if Cason wants to get me out, you can still have a way to stop him?" Kaitlin said indifferently.
Ainsley shook her head. "No. On the contrary, I want to let you out."
Kaitlin was confused. "Why?"
Ainsley asked Kaitlin back, "Kaliyah has gotten out of the detention center and is living a very happy life now. Irene and Manuel have completely fallen out. This is the best time for you to take revenge. Don't you want to take revenge?"