"Will you choose to be knocked out by us or go into the sack yourself?" The man threw a sack beside Ainsley.
At the school gate, Manuel was running madly into the campus. Previously, he had arranged for someone to protect Ainsley. However, the last time Ainsley found out, he withdrew the man, which made him very regretful now.
The entire campus was dark and Manuel ran in the direction of the phoenix tree.
At this moment, there was sweat all over Ainsley's head. The two men forced her to make a choice. But she looked at them seriously. "I will choose neither!"
"You are courting death." The man was enraged. He raised his fist and smashed it at Ainsley.
The next moment, someone grabbed his fist. "Who's that?"
The man looked up and saw Manuel's cold eyes.
Ainsley exhaled deeply, thinking, Manuel is finally here.
"Who are you?"