Ainsley was so excited that she wanted to rush over. At this time, two people walked in from the door and held Ainsley down.
She could not break free and could only shout angrily, "What do you want to do to her? I advise you to think about it carefully. You know that her brother is Manuel. Aren't you afraid that Manuel will find this place?"
Scar seemed to have been angered by Ainsley. He threw away Serina's chin, slowly walked to Ainsley, and grabbed her chin.
Ainsley was forced to look up at him, and the man said coldly, "Before you worry about others, I advise you to be careful and worry about yourself."
He held a sharp dagger and slapped it on Ainsley's face. The sharp blade flashed with a light, and Ainsley's heart trembled.
"Manuel should be in the hotel with Ms. Wade right now. Do you think that Manuel is with you because he loves you? You are too naïve."
Ainsley's face was pale. "What do you mean?"