Chapter 487 Ainsley Has Regained Her Memory

Ainsley indeed remembered something important that she had forgotten.

Ainsley remembered that she first met Manuel because of Manuel's scheme. Manuel wanted to use Ainsley's blood to treat Irene.

Ainsley remembered the romance between Manuel and Irene. She also remembered...

Ainsley closed her eyes, and the picture of her father dying in a car accident to save her appeared in her mind.

Ainsley couldn't accept that she was so soft-hearted. She couldn't accept the fact that she had harmed her father.

Seeing that no one spoke, Matteo opened his mouth to break the ice. He said, "Ainsley, the doctor said that there is still extravasated blood in your brain. Do you still remember what happened before the car accident?"

Ainsley's attention was pulled back. The hatred in her eyes suddenly increased. She gritted her teeth and said fiercely, "Of course. How can I forget that face? There is no way that I will forget her hateful face."