Chapter 520 Attraction or Love

"People smoke when they are troubled. Why am I still upset after I smoke?" Ainsley murmured.

Daniel had imagined what Ainsley would do when she saw him. Daniel thought she might be annoyed, angry, or want to slap him, but he didn't expect Ainsley to talk so calmly as if they were old friends.

"Is it because of the recovery of your memory?" Daniel asked.

Ainsley inhaled a puff of smoke, approached him, and blew a smoke ring in Daniel's face. She smiled, "Irene tells you everything, doesn't she?"

"After all, we are partners." Daniel didn't answer the question.

"Partners? The Wade Group isn't a good choice for cooperation now." Ainsley sneered, "Tell me. Why did you take me here? It can't be that you just want to get close to me. Right?"

"What if I say yes?"

Ainsley lowered her eyes and placed the cigarette between her fingers like Daniel did. "Mr. Hume, do you get infatuated with a woman?"