But Irene was still not afraid. She even smiled and said, "Do you dare? Ainsley, you are too serious, so you could never defeat me."
But Ainsley sneered, "Do you really think I don't dare? I just think that it is too easy if you die just like that. You have harmed so many people. I can't let you off so easily. I must see you punished by the law you despise."
"Really?" Irene mocked. "I suddenly remembered something. I seem to have recorded the whole process at the bar that night. What if I accidentally spread it?"
"Did you record it?" Ainsley threw the porcelain fragment on the ground. Her eyes were full of anger. "How could you do that?"
"I can't help it. I had to leave a way out for myself. So, don't use sharp objects against me anymore. Maybe if I am in a bad mood, I will spread it."
Ainsley's pupils shrank sharply, and she gasped in anger. "You are despicable!"