Chapter 526 The Psychiatrist

Daniel brought up the past about that Ainsley had given him a psychological hint at that time. Daniel just wanted Ainsley to know that he could do anything for her regardless of anything else.

"What do you mean?" Ainsley was not a fool, and Daniel was not a kind person.

Daniel mentioned this because he wanted to use this matter to tell Ainsley something else.

Daniel looked at her with satisfaction. "Your nerves are too weak. I think you need a psychologist to help you. I found a very famous psychologist for you and asked him to treat you."

"I don't need it. Tell him not to come." Ainsley was indifferent to Daniel's suggestion.

Daniel was prepared for her answer. He said softly, "Ainsley, you are very worried about Lainey, right? I can tell you whenever there is anything happening to Lainey, but you must receive treatment."

Ainsley frowned. "Is this a condition?"

"If you think so, that's fine too." Daniel nodded.