Chapter 546 It Is Not Me

Sitting on the sofa, Ainsley held the cup in her hand. Although the heat in the room was enough, she still felt very cold.

In the past two days, she had been trapped in an old apartment building. The wind was everywhere, and the coldness occupied her body and mind. She suddenly felt that Irene seemed to like to make her feel pure coldness.

Whether it was the kidnapping in the heavy rain a few months ago or in the apartment building on a winter night, she did not want to feel that kind of bone-chilling coldness anymore.

Daniel knew after what had happened, Ainsley was angry and it was difficult to calm her down. He knew what Ainsley wanted, but he did not really want to do anything to Irene. Moreover, the importance of the Wade Group in Seattle was unquestionable. Getting the Wade Group, he could completely take root in Seattle.