Chapter 554 Sabina Glover

There was a conspicuous red cross drawn by lipstick on her delicate face, which showed her deep resentment and hatred.

Daniel liked Ainsley, so it was all for Ainsley that he asked Irene to slap herself as punishment at the open door of Ainsley's bedroom, which left her embarrassment nowhere to hide.

She swore she would take revenge on Ainsley for the humiliation she suffered.

The Easton Group

Matteo called Manuel. "How's Aisy?"

"In Remus' place. She has a sore throat."

Matteo received a call from Robyn as soon as he hung up the phone; he had refused to talk with her since the accident.

Robyn went home with her husband after they asked for Ainsley's address.

Actually, she had called Matteo many times, but he didn't answer any of them. But this time, it was a landline call from the Easton's house, so he picked up the phone after a moment of hesitation.