After Sabina left, Ainsley's nervousness receded, she hid it so well, Daniel only thought it was because she was in too much pain from bandaging.
"Sorry, if it leaves a scar, I'll take you to Portugal to get rid of it." Daniel looked at the gauze in the trash can, with blood scabs, it must be very painful.
Both of Ainsley's hands were wrapped and her feet were also bandaged, so she couldn't walk at all but lay on the bed.
She didn't answer what Daniel said but lightly changed the subject, "Find another doctor."
"What's wrong with this doctor? Don't you like him?" Daniel frowned slightly.
"His attitude isn't good, and it hurt a lot when he bandaged it. Get someone else next time." Ainsley replied.
Daniel chuckled. "Okay, I won't let her come next time."
This was the first time that Ainsley had asked him for something. Of course, he would not refuse, let alone such a small matter.