Ainsley smiled gently "Just saying. I guess that she can't be herself but someone else's substitute for the rest of her life now. She suffered that much just to be a little more similar to me. Isn't that miserable? After losing so much, she didn't get any promised pay back. I think this is why her mother was driven out of the hospital?"
"You shouldn't be able to contact the outside world, right? How did you know that much?" Daniel asked in confusion.
Ainsley cut a piece of steak with a knife and fork and said expressionlessly, "I already knew that since Irene Wade brought that Georgia Dawson to me."
She smiled again. "I know you're suspecting me, but you'd better not be that childish to be easily misguided by others."
Daniel swallowed the last bite of steak and smiled too. "I do need no suggestion like that."
In the Baldry family.
"Madam." The servant held a bunch of cleaning tools in her hand and was about to go upstairs.