Chapter 586 Paternity Test Report

Daniel put down his tableware heavily, startled Ainsley, and said, "But I'm not full yet."

"Then you can eat it," frowned Ainsley.

"Didn't anyone teach you table manners? It's a courtesy not to leave the table before someone eats."

His attitude was getting worse, and Ainsley became more impatient.

She couldn't be bothered to argue with Daniel and sat back at the dining table.

There was a flash of disappointment in Daniel's eyes. If she was Ainsley, how could she not quarrel with him? Instead, she sat back down obediently.

"Why did you listen to me?" he asked disappointedly.

Ainsley was speechless. "Are you crazy?"

"She's never been so uncultured as to curse," said Daniel as he glanced at her indifferently.

Ainsley couldn't be bothered to argue with him. She stared at the dining table in silence.