Her voice gradually became louder, "Daniel, I didn't want to come from the very beginning. The time when I was able to get rid of you was the happiest time for me, although it was very short."
"It's all up to now, and you still use Ainsley's tone and words." He looked Georgia up and down, "Should I say it or not, you really look alike, I didn't recognize it, and most people didn't recognize it either. The only people who can recognize you are Manuel and Matteo, but they designed a big game for me, and I was deeply involved in it, so I didn't judge it immediately."
Georgia disapproved, "Since you think I'm not Ainsley, just send me back. The source of everything comes from that Irene's birthday party. If time can go back, I'd rather never go to that party."
Manuel told her all these things, and she applied what she learned. Fortunately, Daniel's complexion changed again.