Chapter 602 Autopsy Report

"Can this evidence send Irene into prison directly?" Ainsley asked.

As if aware of her feelings, Matteo pondered for a moment, "If this video is found, and the shooter is willing to testify in court as a witness. But, are you sure to send her in now? Are you impatient?"

Ainsley didn't look at him, but picked up a pair of scissors and began to prune the flower branches, and said while cutting, "Yes, she has been out for a long time, and I have thought about many things during the many days at Daniel's place, even if I put her first, and we can also find other evidence to make her sentence more and more, and she has committed so many crimes, it is time to charge some price."

"By the way, there is one more thing. The autopsy doctor in Nancy Conway's case is willing to testify in court, but he wants to see you before that. I think he wants to gain benefits." Matteo said seriously.