Chapter 606 Is It Worth It?

After finishing the meal, Ainsley went upstairs without even glancing at Manuel, who was staring at her eagerly.

The moment Ainsley's figure disappeared around the corner of the stairs, Manuel's face showed a hint of melancholy.

With a sigh, Matteo walked over and patted Manuel's shoulder. "Take it easy," he said.

Manuel remained silent and began clearing the dishes, then quietly announced his departure, "I'll get going then."

While both were men, Matteo might not have been able to feel exactly what Manuel was feeling, but he could sympathize with him.

As his gaze rested upon the empty staircase, Manuel's expression turned increasingly inscrutable.

Ainsley was jolted awake by a nightmare, and her body was drenched in sweat. She could not fall back asleep because the terrifying images from her dream lingered in her mind.