Chapter 625 His Phone

If they could leverage the power of the Gage family, those people would probably have no place to hide.

Ainsley's face darkened. She didn't want to get in touch with Manuel, but after thinking it over, she realized that if she wanted to uncover the truth, she had to cooperate with him.

Ainsley finally took her cousin's words to heart. "I'll consider it."

The next day.

"Ms. Wade, based on the evidence we have obtained, it is a fact that you are suspected of intentional homicide." The policewoman showed Irene the screenshots of the video one by one.

Before seeing the photos, Irene thought it might have been Samuel's doing. After all, she was certain that there was no one at the scene at that time.

But now, it seemed that wasn't the case.

She widened her eyes in disbelief. Indeed, the photos were all real.

She was sweating profusely, but still managed to say calmly, "Maybe these photos were photoshopped."