Once Ainsley returned home, she received a call from Manuel before she got out of the car. Hearing the call's contents, she immediately put on a serious expression and told Matteo not to go to the parking lot. "Matteo, let's head to the Gage Group."
"What' is it? Did they decrypt the phone's message?" Matteo's expression was solemn.
Ainsley nodded nervously, holding the phone in her hand. Manuel had already hung up the phone a long time ago.
Throughout the journey to the Gage Group, she was nervous.
She did not know what kind of information was found in the phone and if there were any clues that could be used.
Feeling uneasy, Ainsley and Matteo pushed the door of Manuel's office open.
At that moment, the person sitting in the main seat was not Manuel but Roman. His eyes were bloodshot. Apparently, he had stayed up all night to fix the phone.