Chapter 661 Missing Serina

A strong sense of uneasiness continued to linger in Ainsley's heart. The scene in which Aaden led his men to beat Georgia was still before her. No matter what, she couldn't accept it calmly, not to mention that the woman was sent in by her to save herself.

"I want to save her, and I don't want to wait any longer," Ainsley said firmly.

Looking at Ainsley's expression, Manuel felt that she seemed to be different from usual. He tentatively said, "Aisy, don't be fooled. Are you affected?"

Ainsley was stunned. It was true that she had never done anything impulsively, but on this occasion she was indeed a little impetuous.

"So, you still haven't answered me. Why are you here? And you said you're my assistant?" Ainsley was puzzled.

While driving, Manuel thought for a long time before saying, "I'm worried. You haven't met a man like Daniel before, so of course you don't know how cruel he is."