At the critical moment, a group of people rushed in from all directions. Before Ainsley could react, the man beside her was knocked down to the ground, and she fell limp into a warm embrace.
Ignoring her own safety, Ainsley glanced sideways in Lainey's direction. Roman had already swiftly dealt with the men in black and was now holding Lainey in his arms.
Before coming, Ainsley had sent two text messages to Manuel, just in case this was a trap.
As Ainsley regained consciousness, she realized she was already in the hospital, with Manuel by her side. When Manuel saw her wake up, his eyes filled with delight.
"What about Lainey? How is she?" Ainsley asked anxiously.
Manuel replied in a deep voice, "The situation is not great. She already knows about the leaked video and her father being hospitalized."
"Why did you tell her? Wasn't it agreed not to tell her about Uncle Salter?" Ainsley asked, puzzled.