Ainsley didn't say anything else. The whole car was filled with a cold aura. She knew Matteo was on the verge of exploding.
She couldn't tell whether it was better for him to know it or not.
The car stopped. The housekeeper did not expect Matteo to come back at this time, so she hurriedly informed Robyn.
Mr. Easton happened to be watering the flowers in the back garden when Robyn hurriedly ran downstairs. "Why is Matteo back?"
The surprise in her eyes at the sight of Ainsley vanished abruptly, as if she resented Matteo's bringing Ainsley home every time.
But she also knew that the only result of acting too obviously was that she would quarrel with her son, so she didn't make it public.
However, she soon noticed Matteo's expression and asked nervously, "Why do you look like this?"
"Where's Dad?" Matteo asked in a low voice.