"How dare you speak to me like that? Who gave you the guts to do so? Don't think that Ainsley will come and save you just because you have helped her. Don't forget how you got in."
Daniel spoke in the coldest tone. He wanted to let Georgia know the reality as soon as possible.
To his surprise, Georgia just gave him a glance, as if did not comprehend what he said.
Daniel licked his lips. The smell of blood filled his mouth. Sneering, he pinched her chin hard, and twisted it.
The intense pain hit her, and her jaw dropped. The guy kissed her again shamelessly, but she could no longer bite it. The joint that fell was so painful that she could not even speak.
When Daniel finally felt bored, he set her jaw up and gave her another slap. "I can't believe you helped Ainsley turn on my computer, but guess what? My computer is regularly cleaned up, and all your efforts are useless."