Chapter 467 Home

In order to allow everyone to spend a festival comfortably, Nathan took a holiday in advance.

The same was true for the Giradia Group. After all, this year was a bumper year for everyone.

As for the targets... of course, were those who were with the Porter Group.

Nathan hadn't seen his father, Nicolas, for three years, so he still missed Nicolas a little and planned to go back to Devendill City for the New Year after finishing the matter at hand.

He visited David, Gerard, Hector, and others in advance, returned to the company and distributed dividends to everyone, and then announced an official vacation.

"I'm going back tomorrow, are you sure you don't want to come with me?" Nathan asked Hannah, still wanting her to accompany him back to meet Nicolas.

"Hey... How about I leave the work at hand and go with you?" Hannah thought for a while and asked.