Chapter 40

Mr. Zern hurriedly asked, "I'm quite sincere, but I just don't know how to do it?"

Sisily Liam smiled and said, "The person in charge said he wants you to bring Miss Scott to the Caesars Hotel at nine o'clock tonight to have a meal and discuss it in detail."

Mr. Zern was about to agree, when the words came to his lips, he suddenly choked back.

Because he thought of Ziana Scott's style of "my mother is the most hanging in the universe".

If you bring her along, I'm afraid it will only make things worse, right?

His expression froze, and he said with little confidence, "I'll just go by myself! I'm afraid Miss Scott will go..."

If the person in charge of the other party gets angry again, isn't it the end of the game?

After hearing this, Sisily Liam rolled her eyes inwardly, Ziana Scott is the main character in tonight's game, what kind of business are you going to do?