Chapter 34 A Worthless Woman

Ziana seemed not to give in.

Enya had never seen such a brazen person who fed on her sense of superiority.

When her reputation was in danger, she could still tell lies calmly.

Did Henry salute her?

It was all in her head!

How could there be such a pretentious person?

Enya wanted to go up and tear her mask off, "Miss Scott, stop making jokes. How could Henry know such a nonentity as you?"

"Not only does he know me, but I have his phone number." Ziana raised her beautiful watery eyes lightly, "But it's usually him who calls me."

"You can call him now!" Enya took the opportunity to say hastily, with a hint of malice in her eyes.

Ziana asked for this.

She always bragged about herself.

She looked down on Muyo Brand, a product tailored to noble ladies, and doubted Henry's ability. She looked like an omnipotent figure.

Enya would expose this liar in front of more than 30 million viewers today!