Chapter 45 It's not Difficult

"I've never been so speechless in my life."

"Let me ask. Ziana doesn't know how to choreograph, so why did she take it on?"

"I can't stand. Can Ziana have a sense of team responsibility? Isn't that a deliberate act of mischief? The program group let her mess around like this?"

"Isn't the attitude of the program team obvious? I'm done. I'm out."

"Although I'm a fan of Ziana, her behavior today is indescribable! Choreography is not something that anyone can do. She just started learning on the spot. What the hell can she make up in the end?"

The audience was noisy. But it didn't affect Ziana at all.

She calmly clicked on the first answer on the page and started to study seriously.

Choreography Step One: [Understand the motivation of choreography. You need to figure out why you want to choreograph and what effect this dance wants to achieve. What emotions do you express?]

Choreography Step Two: [Choose the Music.]
