Chapter 108 You Should Be Responsible for Me

His underpants were black, but only showed the thin edges.

Ziana was looking down with great interest, but the photos stopped here. She couldn't see any further down.

Her delicate eyebrows frowned slightly and then relaxed lazily.

Very good. The stodgy man was also a master of flirting, and he knew what it meant to get to the point.

This kind of ambiguity like hiding behind a veil was much more advanced than that kind of apparent seduction.

He had a very good sense of propriety, not obscene, not vulgar, extremely hot.

Ziana chuckled, knowing that she had met her opponent.

[Queen Ziana: I'm not short of mobile data.]

The opposite side replied soon.

[Mr. Lift: Baby, I'm not that kind of man.]

[Queen Ziana: Oh?]

[Mr. Lift: Something below is only for my wife to see. If you see it, you should be responsible for me.]

Ziana's eyelids twitched. It was not a good idea to kick the hornets' nest.