Chapter 200 He Should Win This Time


Boris cursed in a low voice, threw off his suit and leather shoes, and jumped into the sea.

Edison also panicked when he saw this.

He didn't expect such an accident to happen!

Obviously Ziana was so dazzling just now, and her movements were so chic, but she was gone in the blink of an eye.

She... can't she swim?

how so!

A strong sense of suffocation enveloped him.

Looking at the dark sea, he couldn't help trembling his teeth with the fear and guilt in his heart.


He growled toward the sea.

The strong wind whipped up the waves, which were half as high as a person's body, and smashed down hard again!

The dense rain column knocked down his head, his face hurt and his head was confused, and his eyes could hardly be opened!

As the yacht drifted in the waves, he struggled to find Ziana.

Lightning and thunder intertwine, as if the end is coming.