Chapter 235 Master Save Me

111: [ 'Picture' Brothers, help me figure out why I lost to Edison Andrew.]

298: [ 'Picture' I can't accept it either. I cried for seven days and nights, and still couldn't figure out where we fell short.]

88: [To be honest, I really like Ziana. But when I saw Edison with her, I suddenly understood that they are a perfect match made by heaven!]

88: [ 'Kneeling.jpg' @ Queen Ziana, I withdraw. This withdrawal will be for a lifetime!]

88: [As long as Ziana and Edison are happy, I am willing to silently guard this love! If you truly love Ziana, you must respect her choice! I'll hold the banner of cultivating the heart]

301: [@88 Are you out of your mind? How are Ziana and Edison a match? When they're together, I feel extremely uncomfortable!]

88: [@301 Mr. Howard, if you're uncomfortable, I suggest you see a doctor, dear. Don't whine here. Ziana and Edison don't match, but do you think you do?]