Chapter 270 Her Horse Spooked

In the third photo, Ziana looked terrible and exuded an aura of decadence and sadness.

She was riding on a tall horse. Her eyes were empty and indifferent, and she didn't smile at all as if she was preoccupied.

She looked very different from the one in the second photo.

She was so bright and cheerful, like the sun. How could she suddenly become listless as if her soul was taken away by someone?

Boris felt a stuffy heart, and his lips trembled almost invisibly. "Was she unhappy that day?"

"Huh..." The trainer obviously remembered it. "She seemed to be unhappy. When Miss Scott came that day, I felt something different."

It was so different from Ziana's usual appearance. Anyone who saw her could feel that something unusual must have happened.

"What happened to her?" Boris asked nervously, rubbing the lower right corner of the photo.

There was a date there.

It was June five years ago.