Chapter 282 Boris Visited Max

He later rewatched Ziana's livestream from that day, so he knew the rough route from the western tourist area to the Scott Family in the east.

When Boris drove along the well-built road towards the east, the surroundings became increasingly desolate and ancient.

The car was driving steadily and fast.

After more than two hours, Boris drove the luxury car towards the first gate.

The guards responsible for guarding saw the visitor clearly through the monitor and reported to their superior.

"Captain, it's a strange car, but Mr. Lewis is driving it with Miss Scott in the passenger seat."

"Let them through! Notify all guard posts!"


When Boris arrived at the gate, he had thought he would be stopped and questioned, but to his surprise, he was allowed to pass without any obstruction.

It took him an hour to pass through three gates smoothly.

He was about to arrive at the Scott Family's castle.