Chapter 300 Don't Tell Her

When Luke said that, Boris remembered something.

Luke had been cold and proud for years. Only once did he condescend to pour Boris a glass of water.

That happened after Boris' surgery.

The doctor told Boris the surgery was a success and that they would see how he recovered in the future.

Luke was also there. Hearing that, he asked the doctor some questions and handed Boris a cup of water.

Boris drank the water and soon felt tired and sleepy, so he fell asleep.

As for what happened next, Boris couldn't remember it.

It turned out to be like that.

Boris' eyes turned cold, and his expression was hostile.

He compressed his lips and looked at Luke. "It was my business. You shouldn't interfere."

Luke sat in front of Boris.

Both Luke and Boris were tough. They looked at each other for a moment, and neither of them gave in.