Chapter 352 Sound Edison Out


Winifred's ear-piercing scream broke the silence of the night.

The intense weightlessness hit her. She felt her body falling rapidly. The wind from all directions was blowing over and filling her chest.


Winifred screamed in horror, but the speed of falling became faster and faster.

She was getting closer and closer to the ground!



"Ah! No..."

Just when she thought she would die, something suddenly clasped her waist tightly, and then, she stopped!

Winifred was trembling all over. She opened her eyes and looked back in disbelief.

Only then did she realize that there was a rope around her waist.

Winifred opened her mouth wide in surprise. The next second, she couldn't help crying.

Winifred cried loudly.

It scared the hell out of her!

She almost thought that she was going to die!