Chapter 373 Ziana Was Gone

"How is it?" Nina smiled, leaned on Ziana's shoulder, and asked, "Isn't it delicious? It tastes sweet and sour, more like fruit juice."

After she finished speaking, she scratched her hair and said annoyedly, "What kind of fruit juice is it..."

"Passion fruit," Ziana said and wanted to take the glass in her hand. "You are drunk. Stop drinking."

"I'm not drunk!" Nina raised her glass with a smile, but the next second, she said flatteringly, "But Ziana, I will listen to whatever you say."

She obediently put the glass on the table and looked at Ziana with bright eyes, like a child who had done a good deed and was waiting to be praised.

Ziana was amused by Nina and couldn't laugh or cry. Before she could speak, the music in the bar suddenly changed.

The rhythmic music filled everyone's eardrums.